Ypsilon Electronics MC Step Up Transformer
Ypsilon Electronics was formed in 1995. Founded by two sound engineers with a vast experience in the field of live music reproduction.
It was not only their experience with live music and live concerts that provided us with the necessary conditions to gain knowledge, it was also Ypsilon’s technical background in electronics engineering, that contributed in formatting the concept of how a high end audio device should perform as well as how reliable it should be.
It was Ypsilon’s love and dedication to natural live music that drove them to transform their passion into technology. A technology that combines both traditional and modern ground breaking designs and techniques.
At Ypsilon Electronics they strive to reproduce music in such a way that one can not tell the difference from true live music.
Their achievement is the creation of unique products that communicate to the listener the true meaning of music…EMOTION!
The MC series moving coil step-up transformers are used to amplify the low level output signal from a moving coil cartridge bringing it to the appropriate level to drive a moving magnet phono preamp.
Exclusively for your listening pleasure at MKoM, Toronto.
The Wand Classic Uni-Pivot Tonearm
The Wand Classic Uni-Pivot Tonearm |
NEWS: The Wand Tonearm has just been awarded 5 stars (out of 5) by HiFi Coice (UK) this matches the 5 globes by HiFi World magazine. The Wand utilizes a radical, large diameter arm tube with integrated cartridge mounting. This design is massively stiffer than most tonearms allowing more music and less grunge from your system.
The Wand Classic 12in Uni-Pivot Tonearm | |
NEW: The 12in Wand Tonearm in now available. While it has similar performance and features as the award winning 9in arm, the 12in version enjoys a 24% reduction in distortion over it.Being in the fortunate position of having both 9in and 12in arms to compare, I’ve become a convert to 12in arms (after starting a skeptic). You are simply able to hear more music! And it looks even more beautiful as the proportions are more elegant to my very biased eye…
The Wand tonearm, Musical Magic! |
Transfiguration Proteus Phono Cartridge
The Transfiguration Proteus MC Phono Cartridge represents the pinnacle of all that Seiji Yoshioka has learned and achieved in his pioneering and perfection of the ring-magnet construction in phono cartridges. Listening to the Proteus on a top turntable and arm combination, the usual audio industry descriptors fail…there is only music, intensely communicative music. The phenomenal resolution can only be understood in musical and emotional terms…”did you hear how he bent that note? …how could she do that with her voice? You can feel her pain…”
Proteus is the name of an early Greek sea god known for his ability like water, to change forms, flowing from one to the next. This aptly describes the Transfiguration Proteus MC Phono Cartridge and its chameleon-like ability to become whatever music it sees. Liquid, powerful, delicate, transparent…and teeming with life.
When you are ready to unleash the gods of music hidden in the grooves of your favorite LP’s, it is time for Transfiguration Proteus MC Phono Cartridge!
Available exclusively at MKoM, Toronto.
Origin Live Aurora MK3 Turntable
The Aurora MK3 turntable follows in the steps of it’s award winning predecessors but with improved looks and significantly increased performance. Remarkably, it offers true high end performance at an extraordinarily low price point, comfortably outperforming many expensive decks, even when fitted with inexpensive tone arms and cartridges.
Performance hallmarks are superb transparency, coherent timing, tangible sound staging and imaging. The Aurora’s inherent musicality and system friendly tonal balance guarantees many years of listening pleasure.
Options include a 12 inch arm mount, or dual armboard which can be ordered using the option button below.
EAR-Yoshino 912 Professional Tube Control Centre
Once again, EAR redefines expectations of amplifier performance with the new 912 studio-grade preamplifier. Building on our existing range of admired preamps including the unique 312 Control Centre (transistor-based), it offers an unusually wide range of features in a tube-based package which will appeal equally to the professional and the discerning audiophile. Two phono inputs are provided, both with switchable gain and input impedance – moving coil signals are, of course, pre-boosted by designer Tim de Paravicini’s noted input transformers, and his approach to RIAA equalisation ensures massive headroom and freedom from low-frequency instability. The low distortion, low noise line stage is coupled to the outside world via transformers, giving the option of balanced or unbalanced connection. Two balanced line inputs are also featured, plus three unbalanced and a tape loop. Selection is achieved by reed relays, keeping signal paths short and delicate signals intact. Meters connected upstream of the volume control give useful visual correlation of levels and help ensure that phono gain settings are optimal. As with all EAR products reliability and practicality are key priorities and to this end all components have been selected and rated for long and trouble-free service. All five tubes are PCC88s, a type noted for good performance and which will be around for servicing in the long-distant future. And unlike many of our competitors’ phono preamps there is no separate power supply box to deal with – careful design ensures that hum is kept at bay despite the inclusion of a high capacity power supply. If we haven’t even mentioned the sound yet, it’s only because you already know that our reputation assures its excellence….
Rossner & Sohn – Canofer Phono Amplifier
For our Canofer we exclusively applied the best components of well-known German and Suisse manufacturers like Mundorf, ELMA and WBT.
The connectors Nextgen by WBT take care of a perfect integration to your phono equipment. Mundorf tin-foil-condensers create vital signals without loss of sound.
The board’s concrete dual-mono-structure and the perfectly attuned hand-selected transistors and components are adjusted to your MM- or MC-system with absolute precision by noise-free ELMA-switches. A special suspension-mechanism completely decouples board and enclosure. The board is totally shed and extra shielded to eliminate all sonic and electromagnetic faults.
For MM-systems there are 300, for MC-systems 1836 possible settings you surely will find the right one for your system.
GRAAF GM 50 Integrated Amplifier
The GM-50 is the most recent GRAAF creation, an integrated amplifier born to complete production of the highest class. GM-50 includes in a single frame the features and the level of performance that in the past were an exclusive of GRAAF pre-amplifiers and power amplifiers. Construction qualities, sound performance and the highest finishing level are joined with the lower cost and the ease of use of an integrated amplifier. The “GM” monogram on the front panel is a synonymous of the greatest sound quality, until now exclusive for top level electronics like GRAAF GM-200 power amplifier and GM- 13.5 B preamplifier. The goal of GM-50 is to establish new quality standards between top class integrated amplifiers.
As usual for GRAAF electronics, GM-50 aesthetics are very accurate even in the slightest details. They rely on the coupling of a massive 15 mm aluminum panel with a transparent crystal that allows the vision of the internal circuit. Led indicators show through the crystal the source selected by the user, making the front panel even more attractive. Large rotary knobs give a comfortable access to listening level control and source selection. They look solid and sturdy; the pleasant feeling given by their use is quite what the most demanding audiophile can expect of a GRAAF electronic.
The careful manufacturing and the plentiful sizing of the most critical components are suggested by a frame depth of almost 50 centimeters. GM-50 has also a remote control for on/off switching, source selection, listening level control and mute switching. The amplifier can manage up to six line sources: two of them with balanced outputs, the others with single ended ones. Two tape outputs are provided as well.
High quality binding posts allow the connection of a couple of loudspeakers. Elegance and refinement, joined with versatility and ease of use are just a preview for the exclusive GM-50 internal features. They have been considered with the greatest care in the aim to reach new limits for sound and quality in top-class integrated amplifiers. To attain this object some of the solutions typical of the OTL Series electronics, conceived by Giovanni Mariani, are used. The fully balanced configuration from input to output is between them. Its realization concerns the complete doubling of the electronic circuits, the only acceptable solution for the GRAAF quality standards, until now used only for very few electronics of higher cost. At the power switching, GM-50 enters in mute condition, until tubes reach the operating temperature.
Available exclusively at My Kind of Music, Toronto. Please contact us directly to schedule your audition.