Schröder Reference SQ Tone arm

Schröder tonearms are mechanical works of art. Easy to setup, precise and compatible with most phono cartridges. The sound is uncoloured by the arm resulting in the most beautiful vinyl playback with minimal artifacts impacting the overall performance. Timbres, textures and dynamics in the recording are fully preserved. This is the best sounding tonearm we…

Oracle Audio Delphi MKVII

“With the improvements in the bearing, and especially with the addition of the silicone damping system, the Mk.VII edition not only retains the Oracle Delphi’s position as one of the most beautiful turntables in the world; it reestablishes it as a formidable contender in and well beyond its price class.” -Michael Fremer, Stereophile March 2010…

Launching New Degritter MARK II Software 4.0

Launching New Degritter MARK II Software 4.0 The development team at Degritter via MKoM, Toronto are pleased to announce the launch a major software update for Degritter MARK II machines. The new software will reduce the use of English language in machine menus, making it more intuitive and easy to use for people worldwide. Software…